Friday, July 13, 2012

Cabbage Tacos

Now that I am at home for the summer while HH brings home the bacon (well, technically I also continue to bring home the bacon even though I'm not physically working - gotta love working for a school district!), the responsibility to figure out what to have for dinner falls primarily on my shoulders.  On this particular night, I knew we had a head of cabbage that needed to get used up, as well as some cilantro and marinated/seasoned pork that HH had picked up from a local Mexican restaurant/deli/grocery.  I searched for a cabbage and cilantro salad recipe, and found a recipe that would work as a nice taco topping.  For the life of me I can't find the recipe now, but it basically consisted of sour cream, cilantro, olive oil, lime juice, salt, and pepper that, once mixed, got added to the shredded cabbage.  The tacos were delicious and a little different from how we usually top them which was a nice change of pace.

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