In a better attempt to track our domestic doings we have created this blog. LJ is an advanced seamstress and Seth (often referred to as the House Husband or HH until he finds full time work) is a high ranking amateur baker along with being a general experimenter in the kitchen. We hope to share our adventures in house work with anyone who finds it interesting.
Seth also is using the blog as a way to improve his writing skills. In college he often selected classes whose grading components were weighed more heavily towards testing instead of writing assignments (probably one of the main reasons he earned degrees in the hard sciences). Throughout his work experience though he has found the consistent need to improve his writing skills so this blog has been one way to work on that. Though we will always try to deliver the blog in a fun and informal way, we will do our best to use appropriate grammar and spelling (though LJ will probably succeed in this area much more than Seth).