Wednesday, October 23, 2013

CSA Week 19, 20, and 21

When you have a blog there are a few requirements that you need and having an internet connection is near the top of that list.  Unfortunately I forgot to pay the Comcast man for a few months (oops) so we lost service for a bit.  Fortunately for us it was the motivation we needed to research our other internet options in the area and ended up finding a deal where we have cut our internet bill in half.  We are now back up and running and will try to catch up on blogging.

Week 19 brought us butternut squash, beets, mustards, lettuce, kale, celery, and perpetual spinach.

In week 20 we received fennel, two winter squash, radishes, chard, lettuce, collard greens, and chives.

Week 21 (today) was a fun CSA.  When I showed up at the market stand I was informed I could fill my sack with whatever I wanted as long as the total cost was $16 worth of produce.  I grabbed Swiss chard, celery, romaine lettuce, red leaf lettuce, and five bell peppers.

LJ has been trying to eat two servings of fresh veggies each day so the bell peppers and celery will make for nice snacks and the rest will make for good salad fixings.

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