Monday, November 5, 2012


When your parents are apple farmers, you get more than your fair share of apples on a regular basis.  Making applesauce is an easy way to preserve the abundance for later enjoyment.  My mom used to make applesauce when I was a child, and she taught me the basic steps involved a while back.  All it takes is a bunch of apples, some sugar, and a little water.  Some people like to spice theirs up with cinnamon or other spices, but I prefer the simplicity of apple and sugar alone.  Having a mix of different varieties of apples is nice, but not necessary.  For this batch, I used galas, fujis, and a small amount of granny smiths. 

Peel the skin off with a vegetable peeler.

Chop the apples and add to a big pot with about 1/4 cup water and 1/2 cup sugar.  You can add more sugar to taste later on.

Cover and cook on medium low for about half an hour, then turn the heat down until they get mushy.

Stir every once in a while.
After a couple of hours, mash with a potato masher until it gets to a good consistency (I like mine a little chunky).

At this point, add more sugar to taste.

I put the finished product into tupperware to keep in the freezer.

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