Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Apricot Syrup (Jam)

Last summer we were lucky enough to glean a large bucket of apricots from a neighbor of LJ's parents.  It met all our fruit roll-up needs and LJ also requested that I try making apricot syrup because it was something she remembered from her childhood.  We were so happy with the results that we knew this is something we need to make every year.

Unfortunately we weren't able to glean any apricots this year so I kept my eye out at the farmers market near the end of stone fruit season for a good deal.  We ended up finding a 20 pound box for 25 dollars and couldn't have been happier about the haul, though I was disappointed that the girl working the fruit stand seemed to have no idea what I was referring to when I said I'd like "a box of cots." She had to ask the farmer working next to her what I was talking about.

I followed this recipe and was happy with the results.  The only problem I had was I over-cooked the final syrup so the final consistency was closer to jam than syrup.  Not a really big deal but it was a little disappointing that I couldn't easily pour it over my waffles and instead had to spread it with a knife.

Umm, yeah, it has a lot of sugar in it

You can see we ended up with quite a few jars.  LJ has already traded a few for fresh eggs but our pantry is still quite full.

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