Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Potato Pancakes

My mom always sends us home with leftover mashed potatoes from Thanksgiving and this year was no exception.

I told my mom there was no way we could eat that many leftover potatoes but she insisted.  "You could make potato pancakes out of them.  People do that right?" she suggested, though not confidently.  Occasionally blogging about food experiments sort of painted me in to a corner where I couldn't refuse the leftovers at that point.

After some Googling at home it does seem that people do sometimes use leftover mash potatoes to create potato pancakes.  So probably about once a year.  All the recipes were pretty similar and contained egg, flour, onion, seasoning and baking powder.

I mixed everything together until it came together in a batter.  It was unclear if the batter should be thick or thin for the best results.  After experimenting a bit I think it best to error on the side of being too thick.

I fried the pancakes in a bit of lard until they were brown and crisp on both sides.

I served LJ hers with sour cream and I ate mine with hot sauce and sauerkraut.  They actually weren't bad at all and seemed easier to make then latkes.  I'll keep them in mind for the next time I find myself with way too many leftover mashed potatoes, which I'm sure will be just less than 12 months from now.

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