Monday, August 13, 2012

Raspberry Jam

I'm not really a serious canner, though I am starting to pretend that I am. I think I am serious and then when I'm in the middle of making a batch something, I realize I'm missing a key component (like sugar, or dill, or lids for my jars) and have to make an emergency bicycle ride over to Fred Meyer.  It happens nearly ever time and I think I have finally figured out why.  After you can once or twice you get over your initial fears of how complicated and scary it is supposed to be and realize how simple the process is.  When you are a novice like I am, the simplicity can lull you in to a false sense of security and you forget to check all your supplies.  I can't call myself an intermediate canner until these emergency trips stop.

Canning is making a comeback and I'm happy to be jumping on the band wagon.  I inherited my water-bath canning pot from my Grandma M a few years ago but didn't get started canning much until I became a house husband.  It also didn't hurt that we moved to an area that is known for producing lots of wonderful berries.

For this batch of raspberry jam I just used the recipe on the back of the jar of pectin I had bought.  If you are looking for canning inspiration I highly recommend Food in Jars and Hungry Tigress.  Both are good places to start for the first time canner.  Since I'm still a novice I won't have much to add that they haven't already covered but if I have any tips or tricks along the way I will pass them along.

Buying berries to can with is barely cost effective in comparison to buying jam and jelly at the grocery store so I more think of this canning as building experience until we have our own garden where the berries will be free or nearly free.  Currently our only consistent source of free berries are the wild blackberry bushes that grow like weeds in our neighborhood and are just starting to ripen.  Next weekend you may be able to find us on the side of the road picking as many as we can carry.

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