Sunday, October 30, 2011

Whirlwind Wedding Weekend

This weekend marked the end of a pretty busy, driving-filled October for the House Husband and me. To summarize, we drove to my parent's orchard for a cider pressing party, then to Wenatchee so I could present my graduate research poster at a convention, and then to Spokane for a wedding, all on three different weekends. Our odometer has racked up an unusually high number of miles recently. However, I did manage to squeeze in quite a bit of sewing this month too.

As HH previously mentioned, I made him another pair of wool pants using the pattern I had previously made from his old, worn out pair of jeans. I never intended for them to be "nice" pants, but since he has worn them to a job interview and a wedding, I suppose they now fall under that category. I need to take up the hem a little bit because they are a wee bit too long I don't want them to get worn out too quickly, which is a real possibility considering that HH will probably wear them for the next 10 days straight.

Fortunately I also had some time to sew myself dress to wear to the wedding. A very large piece of taffeta-like fabric had been hiding in my stash for some time, and this was the perfect opportunity to use it up. I decided to make a full circle skirt since I had so much fabric to work with and since I had been wanting to try the style for some time anyway. I made the bodice out of a self-drafted pattern and added lots of topstitching for some visual interest. This was a risky venture since I am not a particularly precise topstitcher, but I think it turned out just fine anyway.

This was also my first experience inserting an invisible zipper, which I completed with the help of my new invisible zipper foot and a tutorial in Threads magazine. I am very pleased with how the zipper turned out, so I think I will be adding some invisible zippers to my stash in the near future.

Here we are together wearing our homemade clothes. From afar you can't really see the detail on my dress, but I sure do like the way the skirt looks! It would look more dramatic if I was wearing a crinoline underneath, but I haven't managed to make myself one yet. Oh, I also found a method for curling my thin, limp hair that actually works. It was even still a little curly the next day, which is amazing considering my hair has never really held a curl for more than an hour at a time. That is, since I stopped getting perms back in the '90s.

Also, congrats to Katie and Andy on their nuptials. We really enjoyed ourselves at the wedding!

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