Friday, February 24, 2012

Wine Rules

The past year has brought several big changes for our household. I finished grad school and got a big-girl job, we moved to the other side of the Cascades, HH has been living his dream (or is it now a nightmare?) of becoming a House Husband, and we started to drink wine on a regular basis.

Whether or not wine has any real health benefits, we do enjoy a glass (or two) with dinner on many nights. Since this change has taken hold, I have developed a set of 3 wine rules to guide our purchasing habits at the grocery or liquor store:

1. It should be red.
2. It should be from Washington.
3. It should be under $10.

These rules enable us to enjoy wine we like while supporting area businesses without spending too much money. At many grocery stores, you can even get a 10% discount if you buy 6 or more bottles at once, which suits our new habit just fine.

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