Monday, April 16, 2012

No longer just a house husband

The astute blog reader will have noticed that the famous "Trophy Husband" photo disappeared from the blog last week.  That's right loyal readers (maybe just reader singular, dad) I have found full time employment with today been my first day on the job.  My hope is that this job doesn't negatively impact my blog posting but I may have to rely a little more heavily on LJ to pick up some of the posting slack.  Considering that she has the summers off from work it shouldn't be too much trouble considering that she will be spending most days locked away in her sewing room sweatshop while I'm out bringing home the bacon.  We also will be adding a new feature where we occasionally highlight the sources of some of our more interesting ingredients and materials.

In regards to the new job, the most exciting part for me is the commute.  From our front door to my new office it is a four minute walk!  Whenever LJ and I move to a new community we have a mental checklist we use when searching for a new residence.  Ideally it will be within walking distance of a grocery store, a bus line, work, a library, and a quality pub or tavern.  It is usually impossible to meet all these requirements, but by meeting as many as we can we have been greatly able to reduce the amount we rely on our car.

Yes, car, singular, as in we share one vehicle.  One of the many times I was completely impressed with and blown away by LJ's commitment to this unusually life choice was this summer when she had landed her first full time job and we had just moved to a new community.  While many of her former classmates went out and purchased brand new cars (by purchased I mean took out a loan based on their first pay stub) LJ said to me with excitement, "I can't wait to buy a bus pass!"  I'm seriously lucky, not to mention how supportive she has been during my extended job search.  I'm sure all the house chores I took care of and delicious dinners I made didn't hurt either.

1 comment:

  1. We love you guys, you are so awesome, we want to be like you!

    -Brandi (and Lonnie)
