Monday, December 5, 2011

Brussels sprouts

 Last summer we planted some Brussels sprouts at LJ's parents but they never reached maturity so  LJ and I have been patiently waiting for to try Brussels sprouts for more than a year.  We got a stalk of Brussels sprouts in our CSA right before we left for Thanksgiving so we brought them along with us to my parent's house.

My dad, who is a GFOTB (Great fan of the blog), claimed that every few years he has a strong craving for Brussels sprouts.  The last time he had this craving he picked some up from the grocery store but was unsure how to prepare them so he settled on boiling or steaming them (he couldn't remember, but he claims it isn't because of his age but because they were so bad he has tried to suppress the memory of the experience).  Upon hearing this story LJ shared with him our simple rule for preparing vegetables: When in doubt, roast them.

A quick Google search confirmed LJ's hypothesis that this was how to treat the sprouts, and ideally to crumble crisp bacon on them (which really should be a second rule: When in doubt, add bacon).  I removed the sprouts from the stalk, cut the big ones in half, rinsed them, tossed them with olive oil and salt to prepare them.  I put them in a broiling pan and roasted them in a 450 degree oven for about half an hour, turning them every ten minutes.

They were simple and delicious which is really how every great side dish should be.

Pa, GFOTB, posing with the sprout stalk

Sprouts going in to the oven

Stirring after ten minutes

Finished sprouts

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