Monday, November 28, 2011

Black Bean Burritos

My brother Phil turned me on to the goodness and simplicity of these black bean burritos a few years back.  When I use to travel frequently for work I often spent the weekends on Phil's couch since he lived in the area of my work.  Phil is one of the more frugal people I know (he probably would even prefer to be called cheap).  For his last quarter in college he lived in the back of a mini-van that was parked in one of the university parking lots.  For a number of years he only owned one fork, one spoon, and one bowl/dish that he ate all of his meals out of.  He uses an empty beer bottle as a rolling pin when he is making pizza or desserts.

Phil likes to keep his meals simple and often eats the same thing four or five times a week.  This makes his grocery shopping relatively easy and he is able to stock up when he finds a good price on a commonly used ingredient.  One of the true joys of my weekend visits with Phil was going grocery shopping with him at Winco.  He would go grocery shopping every two or three weeks and get the same ten to twelve items each time (bread, apples, sour cream, cheese, lettuce, black beans) and then any other more specialty ingredient that may have run low.  He would also treat me by getting a bag of bulk candy on each trip which we would devour on the drive home.

One staple of Phil's diet is black bean burritos (probably more technically a bean taco).  You can use whatever you want for toppings.  Obviously, cheese and sour cream make them more expensive and healthy, so if you are eating them every day like Phil you might want to go easy on those.  Tomatoes, onions, and lettuce are staples for toppings though we have used spinach and kale with positive results.

LJ was stealing some cheese when I snapped the ingredient photo

Phil claims S&W makes the best black beans and will not buy any other kind


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